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Dr. Katie Karacson
Director of Special Education
(740) 967-6631


Child Find

Child find is the process of locating and evaluating children, ages 3-21, who may have disabilities and may be eligible for special education and related services. Both state and local education agencies have a responsibility under federal and state law to conduct child find so that children who need special services have the opportunity to receive those services. Parents, teachers, public and private agency employees and concerned citizens are encouraged to help the Northridge Local School District locate children who may have disabilities and who may be eligible for special education and related services. If you are aware of a child who may have special needs, please notify Dr. Katie Karacson, Director of Special Education at (740) 967-6631, Ext. 321,  or her Administrative Assistant, Jamie Bingham, at 740-967-6631 or

Preschool Information

The Preschool application and information for the 2024-2025 school year is listed below. 

 Preschool Handbook 2024-2025

 Preschool Supply List 2024-2025 

TeacherList SupplyLists 2024-2025

 Preschool Peer Model Waitlist 
Application for peer models for 2024-2025 is closed.  

 Preschool Enrollment Checklist

  Preschool Physical Form

Preschool Dental Form 

 Over Income Waiver

 Preschool Tuition Payment

AM Session-8:40-11:30

PM Session-12:30-3:20